Final Project Questions

Delenny De La Cruz
1 min readMay 1, 2021

For this research project, I want to tell a story from the inside of what many people went through during quarantine. I specifically want to focus on students during quarantine and school because there’s a lot of ways our lives were impacted good and bad that I feel should be addressed.

  • How were graduating college students impacted after zoom?
  • How were graduating seniors impacted during quarantine?
  • What is it like for students in elementary school during quarantine?
  • How were teachers impacted after quarantine and school?

I have been doing an extensive amount of research about how many college and high school students experienced anxiety, high levels of stress, and even depression after quarantine and the change to the hybrid form.

I am very interested in doing a phone call with one of my friends who were graduating when covid struck and had prom and graduation taken away from her and her graduating class. This is a very big moment in everyone’s lives and to have it stripped away in a month or two hits harder than it sounds.



Delenny De La Cruz

I enjoy reading and writing about very important matters that occur on a day to day basis. I also enjoy looking into others opinions and learning more from them