Poetic form: Narrative Poetry

Delenny De La Cruz
1 min readMay 1, 2021

Poet: Tammaka Staley

Poem: “20 pounds”

Two Influential Ideas:

  1. How can we analyze narrative poetry in spoken word pieces?
  2. How can this form appeal to certain types of audiences and what elements are used for this?

Format: Solo/Monologue Podcast

Two resources:

https://www.thoughtco.com/narrative-poetry-definition-examples-4580441- Breaks down the complete form in terms of the origin, how to identify a narrative poem, and the several types.

https://www.richlandlibrary.com/blog/2021-04-14/april-national-poetry-month-interview-tammaka-staley- spoken word interview with Tammaka Staley

Guiding questions:

  1. What makes spoken word pieces so memorable?
  2. How can the narrative form be seen in spoken word pieces?
  3. Why is narrative form important in poetry?

Two things the audience learn:

  1. How spoken words can impact an audience with the topic at hand.
  2. How narrative writing can be beneficial to the reader when understanding real-world issues.
  3. The importance of using spoken word to tell a message



Delenny De La Cruz

I enjoy reading and writing about very important matters that occur on a day to day basis. I also enjoy looking into others opinions and learning more from them